Hi, I’m Duncan, a post-doctoral scholar in the Neale lab. I moved over to Boston in 2016 after completing a DPhil in statistical genetics with Gil McVean and Angela McLean at Oxford University.
During my time at Oxford I studied the host-pathogen interaction in HIV-1, and developed models to better understand and quantify the selective environment of the host. To find out more about this work check out research, our latest preprint, and associated code.
With the Neale lab at the ATGU in Massachusetts General Hospital and Broad Institute, I have switched focus to human genetics. I’m involved in data analysis and methods development. On the methods side, I primarily work on improving and expanding heritability estimation of complex traits such as schizophrenia, ADHD, and even height. As for data analysis, I’m leading the effort to analyse bipolar exome data, and am part of operation: MegaWAS.