On this page we detail the quality control (QC) pipeline for for the BipEx dataset. Further plots, the underlying code and a document summarising the pipeline can be found on the BipEx github repository.

We first summarise the collection of samples, splitting across cohorts and subtypes. In addtition to Bipolar cases, we also a collection of Schizophrenia cases that will serve as positive controls for our PTV burden analyses.

Location Bipolar Disorder Schizoaffective Schizophrenia Other Unknown Controls Total
Aberdeen, UK 0 0 564 0 1 331 896
Amsterdam, NED 1,212 21 1 58 17 1,611 2,920
Baltimore, USA 380 0 0 8 0 126 514
Boston, USA 3,449 52 0 0 0 3,498 6,999
Cambridge, UK 0 0 0 0 0 2,851 2,851
Cardiff, UK 2,442 68 2,990 18 0 1,106 6,624
Dublin, IRE 180 11 29 3 0 9 232
Edinburgh, UK 885 6 304 0 0 64 1,259
London, UK 1,909 157 1,595 0 0 1,203 4,864
Stockholm, SWE 5,160 1 0 0 0 5,541 10,702
Umea, SWE 472 0 0 0 0 459 931
Wurzburg, GER 397 0 0 0 14 414 825
Total 16,486 316 5,483 87 32 17,213 39,617

Within the collection of Bipolar cases, we have subtype information: Bipolar 1, and Bipolar 2. Further splitting the cases and labelling Bipolar cases for whom we do not have subtype information available, we obtain the following numbers of samples in each subcategory:

Location Bipolar Disorder 1 Bipolar Disorder 2 Bipolar Disorder NOS Schizoaffective Bipolar Total (including schizoaffective) Controls Total
Aberdeen, UK 0 0 0 0 0 331 331
Amsterdam, NED 1,032 169 10 21 1,233 1,611 2,844
Baltimore, USA 358 9 5 0 380 126 506
Boston, USA 2,122 390 576 52 3,501 3,498 6,999
Cambridge, UK 0 0 0 0 0 2,851 2,851
Cardiff, UK 1,518 772 67 68 2,510 1,106 3,616
Dublin, IRE 180 0 0 11 191 9 200
Edinburgh, UK 368 114 2 6 891 64 955
London, UK 1,309 372 0 157 2,066 1,203 3,269
Stockholm, SWE 2,364 1,753 905 1 5,161 5,541 10,702
Umea, SWE 320 149 3 0 472 459 931
Wurzburg, GER 216 159 15 0 397 414 811
Total 9,787 3,887 1,583 316 16,802 17,213 34,015

Additionally, for a subset of the available phenotype data, we also have information regarding psychosis diagnosis and age of onset according to three definitions and two age groupings. Restricting to the subset of cohorts for which we have psychosis information, the breakdown is as follows:

Location Bipolar Disorder with Psychosis Bipolar Disorder without Psychosis Total
Boston, USA 667 172 839
Cardiff, UK 1,168 777 1,945
London, UK 1,095 584 1,679
Stockholm, SWE 2,161 2,394 4,555
Wurzburg, GER 59 338 397
Total 5,150 4,265 9,415

The age of onset categories we have data for are: age at first impairment, age at first symptoms, and age at first diagnosis. Each of these are then binned into two different partitions ‘24’ and ‘40’, according to the following rules:

‘24’ partition

Age of onset < 12 \(\rightarrow\) 0

Age of onset < 12-24 \(\rightarrow\) 1

Age of onset > 24 \(\rightarrow\) 2

‘40’ partition

Age of onset < 18 \(\rightarrow\) 0

Age of onset < 18-40 \(\rightarrow\) 1

Age of onset > 40 \(\rightarrow\) 2

The breakdown of the age of onset categories is as follows:

Location Age First Impairment ‘24’ Age First Impairment ‘40’ Age First Symptoms ‘24’ Age First Symptoms ‘40’ Age at Diagnosis ‘24’ Age at Diagnosis ‘40’
Boston, USA 0 0 0 0 0 514
Cardiff, UK 1,308 1,308 1,199 1,199 0 0
London, UK 1,808 1,808 0 0 0 0
Stockholm, SWE 561 561 2,114 0 1,927 1,927
Total 3,677 3,677 3,313 1,199 1,927 2,441

Within each of these age of onset category splits, the age breakdown is then:

Age at first impairment

Location Age First Impairment <12 Age First Impairment 12-24 Age First Impairment >24 Total ‘24’ Age First Impairment <18 Age First Impairment 18-40 Age First Impairment >40 Total ‘40’
Cardiff, UK 80 824 404 1,308 469 782 57 1,308
London, UK 78 978 752 1,808 446 1,188 174 1,808
Stockholm, SWE 26 256 279 561 135 355 71 561
Total 184 2,058 1,435 3,677 1,050 2,325 302 3,677

Age at first symptoms

Location Age First Symptoms <12 Age First Symptoms 12-24 Age First Symptoms >24 Total ‘24’ Age First Symptoms <18 Age First Symptoms 18-40 Age First Symptoms >40 Total ‘40’
Cardiff, UK 215 757 227 1,199 684 481 34 1,199
Stockholm, SWE 253 1,148 713 2,114 0 0 0 0
Total 468 1,905 940 3,313 684 481 34 1,199

Age at first diagnosis

Location Age First Diagnosis <12 Age First Diagnosis 12-24 Age First Diagnosis >24 Total ‘24’ Age First Diagnosis <18 Age First Diagnosis 18-40 Age First Diagnosis >40 Total ‘40’
Boston, USA 0 0 0 0 224 214 76 514
Stockholm, SWE 60 891 976 1,927 408 1,247 272 1,927
Total 60 891 976 1,927 632 1,461 348 2,441

Finally, the split by PI was as follows:

PI Bipolar Disorder 1 Bipolar Disorder 2 Bipolar Disorder NOS Schizoaffective Bipolar Total (including schizoaffective) Schizophrenia Other Unknown Controls Total
Andreas Reif 216 159 15 0 397 0 0 14 414 825
Andrew McQuillin 1,309 372 0 157 2,066 1,595 0 0 1,203 4,864
Bob Yolken 117 9 5 0 139 0 8 0 126 273
Danielle Posthuma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 948 949
David St Clair 0 0 0 0 0 564 0 1 331 896
Derek Morris 180 0 0 11 191 29 3 0 9 232
Douglas Blackwood 368 114 2 6 891 304 0 0 64 1,259
Fernando Goes 241 0 0 0 241 0 0 0 0 241
Jordan Smoller 2,122 390 576 52 3,501 0 0 0 3,498 6,999
Michael ODonovan 0 0 0 11 11 2,986 1 0 0 2,998
Michael Owen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,106 1,106
Mikael Landen 2,364 1,753 905 1 5,161 0 0 0 761 5,922
Nancy Pedersen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,780 4,780
Nick Craddock 1,518 772 67 57 2,499 4 17 0 0 2,520
Roel Ophoff 1,032 169 10 21 1,233 1 58 16 663 1,971
Rolf Adolfsson 320 149 3 0 472 0 0 0 459 931
Willem Ouwehand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,851 2,851
Total 9,787 3,887 1,583 316 16,802 5,483 87 32 17,213 39,617

For our QC pipeline, we first read in the .vcf file, split multiallelics, and remove sites with more than 6 alleles. After splitting muliallelics in the .vcf file containing 29,911,479 variants and restricting to these sites, we have 37,344,246 variants.

Initial genotype filtering

Our first step (after conversion of the joint called .vcf file to a hail matrix table) is to remove genotypes based on the following collection of criteria:

  • If homozygous reference, remove if at least one of the following is true:
    • Genotype quality \(<\) 20
    • Depth \(<\) 10
  • If heterozygous, at least one of the following is true:
    • (Reference allele depth + alternative allele depth) divided by total depth \(<\) 0.8
    • Alternative allele depth divided by total depth \(<\) 0.2
    • Reference phred-scaled genotype posterior \(<\) 20
    • Depth \(<\) 10
  • If homozygous variant, at least one of the following is true:
    • Alternative allele depth divided by total depth \(<\) 0.8
    • Reference phred-scaled genotype posterior \(<\) 20
    • Depth \(<\) 10

Initial variant filtering

Remove variants that either:

  • Fall in a low complexity region
  • Fail variant quality score recalibration (VQSR)
  • Fall outside padded target intervals (50bp padding)
  • Are invariant after the initial GT filter

Filter Variants %
Variants with < 7 alleles 37,344,246 100.0
Failing VQSR 100,742 0.3
In LCRs 1,215,218 3.3
Outside padded target interval 27,119,165 72.6
Invariant sites after initial variant and genotype filters 3,117,961 8.3
Variants after initial filtering 6,829,373 18.3

Initial sample quality control

Filter Samples Bipolar cases Controls %
Initial samples in vcf 39,618 16,486 17,212 100.0
Unable to obtain both phenotype and sequence information 2 NA NA 0.0
Unknown phenotype 32 NA NA 0.1
Low coverage or high contamination 133 72 54 0.3
Samples after initial filter 39,451 16,414 17,158 99.6

We run the sample_qc function in hail and remove samples according to the following:

  • Sample call rate \(<\) 0.93
  • FREEMIX contamination (%) \(>\) 0.02
  • Percentage chimeras (%) \(>\) 0.015
  • Mean depth \(<\) 30
  • Mean genotype quality \(<\) 55

Thresholds used were based on plotting the distributions of these metrics. A full collection of plots can be found in the repository. Here we show boxplots with overlaid scatterplots of the above metrics, split by sequencing batch, and coloured by location. The threshold for exclusion is shown as a dashed line.

Filter Samples Bipolar cases Controls %
Samples after initial filter 39,451 16,414 17,158 100.0
Sample call rate < 0.93 185 124 53 0.5
% FREEMIX contamination > 0.02 268 146 104 0.7
% chimeric reads > 0.015 152 49 100 0.4
Mean DP < 30 20 5 12 0.1
Mean GQ < 55 56 28 25 0.1
Samples after sample QC filters 38,894 16,138 16,906 98.6

Following this step, we export high quality variants (allele frequency between 0.01 to 0.99 with high call rate (> 0.98)) to plink format and prune to pseudo-independent SNPs using --indep 50 5 2. This pruned set of SNPs feeds into the next few stages of the QC pipeline.

Sex imputation

We impute the sexes of the individuals with this pruned set of variants on the X chromosome, and create list of samples with incorrect or unknown sex as defined by:

  • Sex is unknown in the phenotype files
  • F-statistic \(>\) 0.6 and the sex is female in the phenotype file
  • F-statistic \(<\) 0.6 and the sex is male in the phenotype file

Here we show the distribution of the F-statistic, with the 0.6 threshold defining our sex impututation shown as a dashed line.

Filter Samples Bipolar cases Controls %
Samples after sample QC filters 38,894 16,138 16,906 100.0
Samples with sex swap 238 147 52 0.6
Samples after sex swap removal 38,656 15,991 16,854 99.4


Using the identity_by_descent method in hail, we evaluate \(\hat{\pi}\) between pairs of samples, and filter based on a threshold of 0.2 shown as a dashed line on the plot below.

We then create a sample list of patients such that no pair has \(\hat{\pi} >\) 0.2.

Filter Samples Bipolar cases Controls %
Samples after sample QC filters 38,894 16,138 16,906 100.0
Related samples for removal 1,716 792 688 4.4
Samples after IBD removal 37,178 15,346 16,218 95.6


We next perform a number of principal component analysis (PCA) steps to ensure that we have matched cases and controls in our cleaned dataset.

Initial PCA

We first run PCA on samples after removing relateds and those that passed initial QC, using the pruned set of variants.

PCA including 1000 genomes

Next, we included the 1000 genomes samples (minus the small subset of related individuals within 1000 geneomes), and rerun PCA after including those individuals. Plots of the first six principal components are shown below. 1000 genomes samples are coloured in dark blue.

We restrict to the European subset of individuals to perform analysis. To do this, we train a random forest on the super populations labels of 1000 genomes and predict the super population that each of the BipEx samples. We denote strictly defined European subset as those with probability \(>\) 0.95 of being European according to the classifier. BipEx samples are coloured by their assignment or unsure if none of the classifier probabilities exceeded 0.95 in the following plots.

Samples not assigned to the European cluster were removed from downstream analysis.

In addition, using a much looser definition of European, we restrict to US samples from MGH and Johns Hopkins, and run PCA. This enabled us to identify Ashkenazi Jewish clusters, and create a list of outliers (AJ or otherwise) for downstream removal or independent analysis.

Run also ran a further collection of PCAs on:

  • Strictly defined Europeans and Ashkenazi Jewish individuals
    • Use Ashkenazi Jewish cluster to train a random forest and determine if there are further Ashkenazi Jews in the remainder of the dataset.
  • Strictly defined Europeans
Filter Samples Bipolar cases Controls %
Samples after IBD removal 37,178 15,346 16,218 100.0
PCA based filters 2,880 1,120 1,422 7.7
Samples after population filters 34,298 14,226 14,796 92.3

However, upon restriction to the European cluster and after removal of AJs, we find that we have a dense case-control matched collection of samples and so decide not to analyse Swedes, Finns and Europeans (excluding Finns and Swedes) separately.

Final variant filtering

For our final variant filtering step, we first restrict to samples in the strictly defined European subset, filter to the unrelated list, and filter out samples with incorrectly defined sex or unknown sex, and run variant QC. We then evaluate a collection of variant metrics and remove variants that satisfy at least one of:

  • Invariant site in cleaned sample subset
  • Call rate \(<\) 0.97
  • Control call rate \(<\) 0.97
  • Case call rate \(<\) 0.97
  • \(|\)Case call rate - Control call rate\(| >\) 0.02
  • \(p\)-value for Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium \(<\) 10-6

The following plots show the 0.97 threshold for call rate and 0.02 threshold for difference in call rate between cases and controls respectively.

Filter Variants %
Variants after initial filter 6,829,373 100.0
Invariant sites after sample filters 1,051,421 15.4
Overall variant call rate < 0.97 737,072 10.8
Overall variant case call rate < 0.97 716,709 10.5
Overall variant control call rate < 0.97 743,659 10.9
Difference between case and control variant call rate < 0.02 232,341 3.4
Variants failing HWE filter 1,083,479 15.9
Variants after filters 5,104,759 74.7

After these steps we plot the resulting changes in metrics across the samples in our data set. Each of the following plots splits the data by sequencing data and colours the points based on location. The first collection of subplots in each figure shows the variant metrics before sample removal, with the lower collection of subplots showing the resultant change after our QC steps.

Final sample filtering

In this step we remove sample outliers after the variant cleaning in the previous step. Samples are removed if at least one of the following lies more that three standard deviations away from the mean:

  • Ratio of transitions to transversions
  • Ratio of heterozygous to homozygous variant
  • Ratio of insertions to deletions
  • Number of singletons
Filter Samples Bipolar Cases Controls %
Samples after population filters 34,298 14,226 14,796 100.0
Within batch Ti/Tv ratio outside 3 standard deviations 100 50 42 0.3
Within batch Het/HomVar ratio outside 3 standard deviations 150 66 58 0.4
Within batch Insertion/Deletion ratio outside 3 standard deviations 93 31 48 0.3
Within location n singletons outside 3 standard deviations 443 151 236 1.3
Samples after final sample filters 33,527 13,933 14,422 97.8

As a final step, we export common (allele frequency between 0.01 and 0.99) variants to plink format, prune, and evaluate final principal components for downstream analysis. The first six principal components are displayed below and coloured by case status.

After all of this data cleaning, we save the resultant hail matrix tables for downstream analyses.

The resultant composition of the samples was as follows:

Location Bipolar Disorder Schizoaffective Schizophrenia Other Unknown Controls Total
Aberdeen, UK 0 0 521 0 1 322 844
Amsterdam, NED 1,116 19 1 57 17 1,359 2,569
Baltimore, USA 267 0 0 4 0 41 312
Boston, USA 2,434 31 0 0 0 2,544 5,009
Cambridge, UK 0 0 0 0 0 2,656 2,656
Cardiff, UK 2,108 65 2,489 17 0 1,006 5,685
Dublin, IRE 150 11 27 2 0 7 197
Edinburgh, UK 711 6 271 0 0 58 1,046
London, UK 1,731 144 1,476 0 0 1,082 4,433
Stockholm, SWE 4,609 1 0 0 0 4,530 9,140
Umea, SWE 441 0 0 0 0 426 867
Wurzburg, GER 366 0 0 0 12 391 769
Total 13,933 277 4,785 80 30 14,422 33,527

The bipolar subtype information of the curated samples is:

Location Bipolar Disorder 1 Bipolar Disorder 2 Bipolar Disorder NOS Schizoaffective Bipolar Total (including schizoaffective) Controls Total
Aberdeen, UK 0 0 0 0 0 322 322
Amsterdam, NED 951 155 9 19 1,135 1,359 2,494
Baltimore, USA 254 6 4 0 267 41 308
Boston, USA 1,503 279 404 31 2,465 2,544 5,009
Cambridge, UK 0 0 0 0 0 2,656 2,656
Cardiff, UK 1,301 681 62 65 2,173 1,006 3,179
Dublin, IRE 150 0 0 11 161 7 168
Edinburgh, UK 317 94 2 6 717 58 775
London, UK 1,169 350 0 144 1,875 1,082 2,957
Stockholm, SWE 2,095 1,595 791 1 4,610 4,530 9,140
Umea, SWE 297 141 3 0 441 426 867
Wurzburg, GER 201 145 13 0 366 391 757
Total 8,238 3,446 1,288 277 14,210 14,422 28,632

Taking a look at the breakdown of samples for which we have psychosis diagnosis information available:

Location Bipolar Disorder with Psychosis Bipolar Disorder without Psychosis Total
Boston, USA 454 122 576
Cardiff, UK 993 693 1,686
London, UK 978 551 1,529
Stockholm, SWE 1,925 2,135 4,060
Wurzburg, GER 55 311 366
Total 4,405 3,812 8,217

Finally, we can look at the breakdown of samples in each of the age of onset categories:

Age at first impairment

Location Age First Impairment <12 Age First Impairment 12-24 Age First Impairment >24 Total ‘24’ Age First Impairment <18 Age First Impairment 18-40 Age First Impairment >40 Total ‘40’
Cardiff, UK 61 709 352 1,122 401 671 50 1,122
London, UK 71 899 682 1,652 409 1,084 159 1,652
Stockholm, SWE 21 222 252 495 110 320 65 495
Total 153 1,830 1,286 3,269 920 2,075 274 3,269

Age at first symptoms

Location Age First Symptoms <12 Age First Symptoms 12-24 Age First Symptoms >24 Total ‘24’ Age First Symptoms <18 Age First Symptoms 18-40 Age First Symptoms >40 Total ‘40’
Cardiff, UK 180 647 200 1,027 588 409 30 1,027
Stockholm, SWE 221 984 648 1,853 0 0 0 0
Total 401 1,631 848 2,880 588 409 30 1,027

Age at first diagnosis

Location Age First Diagnosis <12 Age First Diagnosis 12-24 Age First Diagnosis >24 Total ‘24’ Age First Diagnosis <18 Age First Diagnosis 18-40 Age First Diagnosis >40 Total ‘40’
Boston, USA 0 0 0 0 156 152 57 365
Stockholm, SWE 45 755 882 1,682 345 1,093 244 1,682
Total 45 755 882 1,682 501 1,245 301 2,047